Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting on February 17th, 2025
The meeting was held over the internet via a Zoom video conference. The following people were present:
Name | Call Sign | Position | MH Grid | WCARC | RAC |
Bertrand Zauhar | VE2ZAZ | Secretary | FN25bk | Yes | Yes |
Lawrence Dobranski | VA3IQ | Vice President | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
Mike Kennedy | VA3TEC | President | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
Norman Siemens | VE3NPP | Member | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
Wayne Getchell | VE3CZO | Director | FN25dh | Yes | Yes |
Tom Zinck | VA3NFA | Member | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
Ray Perrin | VE3FN | Member | FN25dk | Yes | Yes |
Glenn MacDonell | VE3XRA | Treasurer | FN25dj | Yes | Yes |
Ted Reinhardt | VE3EDE | Member | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
Graham Ide | VE3BYT | Member | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
Rémi De Cristofaro | VA3DRI | Member | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
René Barbeau | VE2UG | Member | FN35gs | Yes | Yes |
Clayton Smith | VE3IRR | Member | EN82qb | Yes | Yes |
Georges-A. Chaudron | VE2VAB | Member | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
Bryan Campbell | VE3ZRK | Visitor | FN25 | No | - |
The meeting was opened by the President, Mike (VA3TEC), at 7:07 pm. There was one visitor attending the meeting.
Meeting Agenda
- Starting next month, the meeting agenda, which these meeting minutes rigorously follow, will be sent along with the meeting invite on the Club groups.io mail reflector. It will thus become easier to approve the agenda.
Secretary’s Report
- Bert (VE2ZAZ) could not produce the January 2025 meeting minutes at this meeting. Consequently, he stated that he would submit both the January and the current meeting minutes for approval at the March meeting.
- Bert informed the members that the RAC affiliation and insurance registration process was completed, and that the full year 2025 is now covered.
Treasurer’s Report
- Glenn (VE3XRA) informed the members that he now has full signing authority on the Club’s bank account. He has also completed the move of our bank account to an Alterna branch located closer to him. The Vice President will now have to visit the Alterna branch in the near future to register as authorized signee.
- Glenn can now receive the Club membership dues via Interac email transfer at ve3xra@gmail.com. The 2025 dues are $30, payable now. Glenn will send payment instructions on the Club groups.io email reflector.
Vice President’s Report
- Lawrence updated the activity calendar on the Meetings page of our Club website. It lists the monthly meeting dates with the planned speakers and topics, the proposed breakfasts and MAD days, and VHF+ contest dates.
- Upcoming monthly meeting presentations:
- Being Planned:
- A presentation of the new QSY feature in the WSJT-X software;
- A presentation on the microwave Canadian Coastal Radar project;
- A presentation by Paul Wade (W1GHZ);
- A presentation by Ted (VE3EDE).
- Being Planned:
- Breakfast at Colonnade Pizza: Due to staff shortages, Colonnade Pizza no longer serve breakfasts.
Director’s Report
The Director had nothing to report.
President’s Report
- Mike (VA3TEC) announced that his mother had recently passed away. Consequently, he could not prepare a very exhaustive presentation for this meeting.
- Mike made a large sign for RAC, displaying the VE3RHQ station call sign. He suggested that one could be made for the Club, especially for the June VHF contest.
- René (VE2UG): Update on building his infrared optical receiver.
- Bert (VE2ZAZ): His QPLog QC/ON QSO Party logging software.
- Mike (VA3TEC): Tinkering with the srsRAN open source 4G-LTE Cellular software.
Old Business
- Bert (VE2ZAZ) contacted the Corkery Association to reserve the building for our participation in the June VHF contest. Unfortunately, again this year, the Corkery building will not be available for rental. As plan B, He will contact the Kinburn Association to reserve the Kinburn Centre.
New Business
Show and tell
Bert (VE2ZAZ) showed a small Chinese-made broadband gain block that provides 20 dB of gain up to 10 GHz.
Ask the Club
The President observed that there was no further business; the meeting was adjourned at 9:06 pm.