Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting on January 20th, 2025
The meeting was held over the internet via a Zoom video conference. The following people were present:
Name | Call Sign | Position | MH Grid | WCARC | RAC |
Bertrand Zauhar | VE2ZAZ | Secretary | FN25bk | Yes | Yes |
Lawrence Dobranski | VA3IQ | Vice President | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
Mike Kennedy | VA3TEC | President | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
Norman Siemens | VE3NPP | Member | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
Wayne Getchell | VE3CZO | Director | FN25dh | Yes | Yes |
Ray Perrin | VE3FN | Member | FN25dk | Yes | Yes |
Andrew Hart | VE3NVK | Visitor | - | No | - |
Luc Pernot | VE3JGL | Member | FN25ek | Yes | Yes |
Randy Nordlund | VE3AX | Member | FN25jg | Yes | Yes |
Peter Jago | VA3PJ | Member | FN25ag | Yes | Yes |
Ted Reinhardt | VE3EDE | Member | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
The meeting was opened by the President, Mike (VA3TEC), at 7:10 pm. There was one visitor attending the meeting.
Meeting Agenda
- The meeting agenda, which these meeting minutes rigorously follow, was presented to the members. Bert (VE2ZAZ) moved that the agenda be adopted as presented. Wayne (VE3CZO) seconded. A unanimous vote in favour of the motion took place, and the motion was carried.
- The Vice President will post a standard meeting agenda to the Club website, with a link to the previous month’s meeting minutes.
Secretary’s Report
- Bert (VE2ZAZ) posted a draft version of the December 2024 Annual General meeting minutes, along with the President’s report and the Auditor’s Report, on the Club website prior to this meeting. Moved by him that the minutes and reports be adopted as posted on the website. The motion was seconded by Norman (VE3NPP). A unanimous vote in favour of the motion took place, and the motion was carried.
- Bert has submitted the RAC Affiliation and group insurance application forms to the RAC staff, and they were approved. We have received the invoice and the Treasurer will proceed with the payment.
- Bert submitted the ONCA (non-for-profit status) yearly update form on the Government of Ontario website.
Treasurer’s Report
In the Treasurer’s absence, Ray (VE3FN), our former Treasurer, gave the monthly numbers he got from the monthly bank statement. We have $15 in the share account, our checking account has $2,950.49, and $2,302.23 are in term deposits. He has forwarded the bank monthly statement to Glenn (VE3XRA), our current Treasurer.
Vice President’s Report
- Lawrence mentioned that a lot of the planned or scheduled speakers had pulled out recently.
Upcoming monthly meeting presentations:
- Confirmed: None
- Being Planned:
- Some of the speakers at the 2024 Microwave Update, with some very interesting contents;
- Paul Wade W1GHZ on 3D printed plastic microwave horns;
- Personal Cellphone project: An open source LTE software is available. Mike (VA3TEC) offered to do a demo of the technology.
- Lawrence asked those present to contact him if there are projects they would like to talk about.
- Lawrence is preparing the summer activity schedule, to be posted on the Club website.
- Monthly breakfast: Lawrence may organize a breakfast in January at Colonnade Pizza in Barrhaven. More information will be communicated via the groups.io mail reflector.
Director’s Report
The Director had nothing to report.
President’s Report
- Since Mike’s daughter is back from the hospital, he has more time for the hobby and for the Club.
- Mike volunteered to make a sign for the RAC Headquarters.
- Mike asked if anyone had ideas of Club projects for 2025. A 222 MHz link and a DATV link were mentioned.
- Wayne (VE3CZO): A PTT Module — A PTT switch for Power Amplifiers.
- Bert (VE2ZAZ): An update on his 10 GHz Tower-mounted system.
- Lawrence (VA3IQ): 3D-printed electronics enclosures.
Old Business
- Bert (VE2ZAZ) mentioned that Glenn (VE3XRA), our Treasurer, is working with Alterna on electronic deposits for dues. He hopes to have this completed by the end of the month. He is also setting up an Officer signature authorization session with the bank. More to follow.
- Tower raising gin-pole: Mike (VA3TEC) can resume the work on the gin-pole system.
New Business
Bert (VE2ZAZ) will contact the Corkery Association to reserve the site for our VHF contest.
Show and tell
Mike (VA3TEC) showed his experiments with a LLM (Large Language Model), a local AI interface.
Ask the Club
The President observed that there was no further business; the meeting was adjourned at 9:22 pm.