The meeting was held over the internet via a Zoom video conference. The following people were present:

Name Call Sign Position MH Grid WCARC RAC
Bertrand Zauhar VE2ZAZ Secretary FN25bk Yes Yes
Lawrence Dobranski VA3IQ Vice President FN25 Yes Yes
Rémi De Cristofaro VA3DRI Member FN25 Yes Yes
Glenn MacDonell VE3XRA Member FN25dj Yes Yes
Fred Crowe VE3LAF Member FN25 Yes Yes
Clayton Smith VE3IRR Member EN82qb Yes Yes
Wayne Getchell VE3CZO Director FN25dh Yes Yes
Luc Pernot VE3JGL Member FN25ek Yes Yes
Will Yuan VA3ODW Visitor FN25 No -


The meeting was opened by the Vice President Lawrence (VA3IQ), at 7:14 pm. There was one visitor attending the meeting.

Secretary’s Report

  • Bert (VE2ZAZ) posted a draft version of the July 2024 meeting minutes on the Club website prior to this meeting. Moved by him that the minutes be adopted as posted on the website. Seconded by Glenn (VE3XRA). The motion was carried.
  • Bert posted a draft version of the August 2024 Special meeting minutes on the Club website prior to this meeting. Moved by him that the minutes be adopted as posted on the website. Seconded by Lawrence (VA3IQ). The motion was carried.
  • Bert created a MyOntario (ServiceOntario) website account, and updated the Club non-for-profit corporation status. The records showed five previous officers as still being current actors. Both the officers list and the directors list were updated to reflect our current leadership.
  • Bert dug into the RAC liability insurance documentation to verify that our equipment, when in storage, is still covered for liability. Although it is not clearly spelled out, the consensus among those who were present is that storage is considered a Club “activity”.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer was absent.

Vice President’s Report

  • Upcoming monthly meeting presentations:
    • Confirmed:
      • September: Craig Delmage (VE3OP), What is new at RAC
      • October: Wayne (VE3CZO), A USB serial bus overview
      • November: Mike (VA3TEC), His home-brew pole-mounted remote switching on his rover setup
    • Lawrence asked those present to contact him if there are projects they would like to talk about.
  • In-person meeting: Lawrence is trying to set up an in-person meeting/gathering in January at a cost-effective venue. More details to come.

Director’s Report

The director was absent.

President’s Report

The President was absent.


No presentation was given.

Old Business

  • Constitution and bylaws: As described in the Secretary’s report, Bert (VE2ZAZ) wrapped up the update work on our non-for profit corporation status. Lawrence (VA3IQ) thanked Norman (VE3NPP) and Bert (VE2ZAZ) for their involvement in the constitution and bylaws re-writing. He also thanked those who showed up to the August 6th Special meeting.
  • Carp Hamfest, September 7th: Once again, the Club will be present at the Carp Hamfest. Bert (VE2ZAZ) reserved one club table. Lawrence (VA3IQ), Glenn (VE3XRA), and Bert (VE2ZAZ) have offered to man the table. Bert will send an email in late August to solicit for more members to help out with manning the table.

New Business

  • Lawrence (VA3IQ) mentioned that there are 71 members on the Club email reflector. Lawrence suggested we find a way to convince former Club members who are still on that list into becoming Club members again. We will carry on with this discussion at the September meeting.
  • Lawrence (VA3IQ) suggested we meet for breakfast on a weekday, which allows for cheaper food cost. Weekend breakfast meals are more expensive.
  • Lawrence (VA3IQ) proposed that we try to participate in the October Microwave Activity Day.

Show and tell

  • Bert gave a report about Club members participating in the first part of the ARRL 10GHz and Up contest. The locations used were the Diefenbunker and the Numogate tower hill.

Ask the Club

No questions were asked.


The Vice President observed that there was no further business; the meeting was adjourned at 8:32pm.