Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting on July 15th, 2024
The meeting was held over the internet via a Zoom video conference. The following people were present:
Name | Call Sign | Position | MH Grid | WCARC | RAC |
Bertrand Zauhar | VE2ZAZ | Secretary | FN25bk | Yes | Yes |
Lawrence Dobranski | VA3IQ | Vice President | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
Norman Siemens | VE3NPP | Member | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
Rémi De Cristofaro | VA3DRI | Member | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
Ray Perrin | VE3FN | Treasurer | FN25dk | Yes | Yes |
Wayne Getchell | VE3CZO | Director | FN25dh | Yes | Yes |
Mike Kennedy | VA3TEC | President | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
John McGowan | VA3JYK | Member | FN25 | Yes | Yes |
The meeting was opened by the President, Vice President Lawrence (VA3TEC), at 7:14 pm. There were no visitors attending the meeting.
Secretary’s Report
- Bert (VE2ZAZ) posted a draft version of the June 2024 meeting minutes on the Club website prior to this meeting. Moved by him that the minutes be adopted as posted on the website. Seconded by Lawrence (VA3IQ). The motion was carried.
Treasurer’s Report
- Ray (VE3FN) reported: There has been little change from last month. Our bank account has increased by $30.00 for membership dues paid by Diane Bruce (VA3DB) plus an additional $0.12 in interest earned for a total of $30.12. There has been no increase in our term deposits. So our balances are $15.00 in the share account, $2,949.73 in our bank account, and $2,185.44 in our Term Deposits.
- Regarding the two checks that were sent to Ray Burrell to cover his expenditures for the June VHF Contests (2023 and 2024), the Treasurer will contact him to find out whether he received them.
- The Club currently has 21 regular (paid) members and 3 life members.
Vice President’s Report
- Upcoming monthly meeting presentations:
- Confirmed:
- September: Craig Delmage (VE3OP), The new RAC headquarters radio station
- October: Wayne (VE3CZO), A USB serial bus overview
- November Mike (VA3TEC), His home-brew pole-mounted rover setup
- In planning:
- August: Difficult to find someone to speak in the summer.
- Ultra-VLF
- Summary of the 2024 Microwave Update Conference
- Peterborough ARC: Their AREDN network
- Please contact Lawrence if there are projects you would like to talk about.
- Confirmed:
- Lawrence is working on having a Club breakfast on Saturday August 3rd, prior to the Microwave Activity Day, this time again at Zak’s Diner.
- Members’ T-shirt, polo shirt or hat: Lawrence has found an inexpensive source of customized shirts and hats. He will follow up in the fall.
- In-person December meeting: Lawrence is trying to set up an in-person Annual General Meeting and Christmas party. More details will be provided later.
Director’s Report
The director had nothing to report.
President’s Report
The President had nothing to report.
No presentation was given.
Old Business
- Constitution and bylaws: The final bylaws will be prepared by Norman (VE3NPP) in the next few days. Then the proposed bylaws will be submitted to the members for an approval vote. The plan is to have the members vote on the new bylaws before the end of August, likely concurrently with the August 3rd breakfast. It will be an in-person Special Meeting.
- Carp Hamfest, September 7th. Like previously, the Club will have a table at the Hamfest. Bert (VE2ZAZ) will reserve one table for the Club.
New Business
Lawrence (VA3IQ): Announced that we will have a discussion on attracting more people in the Club at the next meeting
Show and tell
- Bert (VE2ZAZ) showed a finger pressure Morse paddle, which he put together following VK3IL’s design.
- Bert (VE2ZAZ) showed a 10 MHz OCXO reference board, which can be purchased for $14 (US).
- Bert (VE2ZAZ) announced that he is writing a logging software for the Québec and Ontario QSO Party contests.
- Lawrence (VA3IQ) described his current work on a 20W 5.8 GHz power brick.
Ask the Club
Mike (VA3TEC) had questions on how to control and interface several coaxial relays for pole-mounted antenna switching.
The Vice President observed that there was no further business; the meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.