The meeting was held over the internet via a Zoom video conference. The following people were present:

Name Call Sign Position MH Grid WCARC RAC
Charles MacDonald VA3CPY President FN25ag Yes Yes
Karen Bryden VA3IGO Member FN25ag Yes Yes
Bertrand Zauhar VE2ZAZ Secretary FN25bk Yes Yes
Rémi De Cristofaro VA3DRI Member FN25 Yes Yes
Luc Pernot VE3JGL Member FN25ek Yes Yes
Lawrence Dobranski VA3IQ Member FN25 Yes Yes
Kieran VA3KS Member FN25 Yes Yes
Peter Jago VA3PJ Member FN25ag Yes Yes
Mike Kassay VE3MKX Vice President FN14st Yes Yes
Clayton Smith VE3IRR Member EN82qb Yes Yes
Ray Perrin VE3FN Member FN25dk Yes Yes
Rich Ferch VE3KI Member FN25 Yes Yes
G-A Chaudron VE2VAB Member FN25 Yes Yes
Glenn MacDonell VE3XRA Member FN25dj Yes Yes
Clare Fowler VE3NPC Member FN25 Yes Yes
Bill VE3MRX Visitor - No -
William McConnell VE3TUJ Visitor - No -
John VA3JYK Visitor - No -
Fred VE3LAF Visitor - No -
John VE3FDK Visitor - No -


The meeting was opened by the President, Charles (VA3CPY) at 7:16 pm. There were five visitors attending the meeting.

Secretary’s Report

  • Bert (VE2ZAZ) posted a draft version of the October 2021 meeting minutes on the Club website prior to this meeting. Moved by him that the minutes be adopted as posted on the website. Seconded by Karen (VA3IGO). The motion was carried.
  • Bert submitted the RAC Insurance and Club Affiliation program forms last week. He is expecting an invoice via email.

Treasurer’s Report

  • The balance as of October 31st was $2033.30. There is also $2,000 which is split up into two term deposits. One has a maturity date of August 21st, 2022. The other one will mature on October 21st, 2022.
  • There are 24 members as of today. There are also three life members.

Vice President’s Report

  • It was announced that the Dayton Hamfest and the Hamcation event would take place in 2022.
  • The solar flux is fluctuating. There are some 6m openings, but the situation will keep on improving as we approach December.
  • Parks-OTA is a popular activity, both at day time and at night time.

Director’s Report

The Director was absent.

President’s Report

  • Next month’s meeting will be the Annual General Meeting and an election meeting. Four Officer positions, the President, the Vice President (due to the current Vice President’s departure from the region), the Secretary and the director, are due for re-election. Bert (VE2ZAZ) announced during the meeting that he would run again for the Secretary position.


Mike (VE3MKX) on HF Contesting.

Old Business

  • VHF/UHF Beacon move:
    • Bert (VE2ZAZ) confirmed with Rick (VE3CVG) that “Dale the Electrician” is Dale Hennigar (VE3XZT).
    • Plan B location at the Diefenbunker: Bert (VE2ZAZ) sent an email to Nick (VE3OWV) requesting a visit of the proposed location. Nick found out that the Diefenbunker staff is currently performing an Energy Audit. Until that exercise is completed, there will be no additions made to the power distribution. They expect the exercise to be completed by January. Knowing this, and with the winter weather arriving, Bert reckoned that the move would be postponed to next spring. All agreed.
    • In the mean time, we shall assess the maximum power consumption of the beacon enclosure, including the winter heating system.
    • Bert informed the members that the beacon manuals are currently located at Andy (VE3NVK)’s place.
    • John (VA3JYK) will visit the site next week, will take pictures and assess the frame ruggedness.

Reports / Club Project Updates


New Business


Show and Tell / Announcements

  • Charles (VA3CPY) showed a Chinese-made semiconductor and passive component tester. Available for less than $20, it offers a surprising measurement accuracy.
  • Bert (VE2ZAZ) showed a DC electronic load sold for about $20. He also showed a magnifying head band, which does not suit him.
  • Glenn (VE3XRA) reported back on his experience with the loop-on-the-ground antenna.

Ask the Club

This period in the meeting offers an opportunity to ask technical questions and get answers from knowledgeable Club members.

  • Mike (VE3MKX) asked Kieran (VA3KS) what antennas he is using for Parks-OTA. Kieran answered that he uses many different antennas (end-fed wires and Mobile).


The President observed that there was no further business; the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.