The meeting was held over the internet via a Zoom video conference. The following people were present:

Name Call Sign Position MH Grid WCARC RAC
Charles MacDonald VA3CPY President FN25ag Yes Yes
Karen Bryden VA3IGO Member FN25ag Yes Yes
Lawrence Dobranski VA3IQ Member FN25 Yes Yes
Bertrand Zauhar VE2ZAZ Secretary FN25bk Yes Yes
Rémi De Cristofaro VA3DRI Member FN25 Yes Yes
Jeremy Jones VA3ZTF Vice President FN25ac Yes Yes
Wayne Getchell VE3CZO Director FN25dh Yes Yes
Ray Perrin VE3FN Member FN25dk Yes Yes
Raj Thukral VA3RZT Member FN25 Yes Yes
Clare Fowler VE3NPC Member FN25 Yes Yes
Rich Ferch VE3KI Member FN25 Yes Yes
Robert Boyd VE3BE Treasurer FN25dj Yes Yes
Mike Kassay VE3MKX Member FN14st Yes Yes
Peter Jago VA3PJ Member FN25ag Yes Yes
Luc Pernot VE3JGL Member FN25ek Yes Yes


The meeting was opened by the President, Charles (VA3CPY) at 7:17 pm. There were no visitors attending the meeting.

Secretary’s Report

  • Bert (VE2ZAZ) posted a draft version of the November 2020 meeting minutes on the website prior to this meeting. Moved by him that the minutes be adopted as posted on the website. Seconded by Robert (VE3BE). The motion was carried.
  • Bert is in the process of filling out the various forms required for the RAC insurance and the RAC affiliated club program. The Treasurer has already mailed a cheque covering the RAC fees to him. He should receive it soon.

Treasurer’s Report

Robert reported 25 paid up members for 2020 and a bank balance of $1518.05. There is also $2,000 which is split up into two term deposits. One matured on October 21st, 2020, and was renewed for another year. The other one has a maturity date of June 21st, 2021.

Vice President’s Report

Jeremy (VA3ZTF) voiced that the 2020 year had been a very challenging one for the Club.

Director’s Report

Wayne (VE3CZO) reminded attendees that the Club-owned test equipment is available for loan by members. The process is now fully documented. Members are invited to send an email to Wayne when the need comes for such equipment.

President’s Report

  • For the annual report, Charles listed the 2020 Club highlights. The report is filed as a separate document, and is available for consultation on the Club website.
  • As Vice President, Jeremy added that it was especially challenging to transition to remote meetings, but that we managed to find a good format and meeting platform.


No speaker was booked, as this was the Annual General Meeting.

Old Business


New Business

The President thanked the outgoing Treasurer and Vice-President for their precious involvement as Officers during the last few years.

Reports / Club Project Updates


No report.

Mesh Network

No report.

Election of Officers

  • As stated by the Club constitution, five officers are required. Up for election were the Treasurer and Vice President positions.
  • Mike (VE3MKX) stepped forward to occupy the position of Vice President. Since there were no other candidates, he was elected by acclamation.
  • Ray (VE3FN) stepped forward to fill the position of Treasurer. Since there were no other candidates, he was elected by acclamation. Robert (VE3BE) offered to help the new Treasurer in the transition.

Show and Tell/ Announcements

Various items were shown, and various subjects were discussed.


The President observed that there were no further business; the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.