The meeting was held at the Sobey’s in Kanata (March Rd. location). The following people were present:

Name Call Sign Position MH Grid RAC WCARC
Doug Leach VE3XK Member FN25bf Yes Yes
Chris Bisaillion VE3CBK Member FN25ai Yes Yes
Nick Shepherd VE3OWV Member FN15vk Yes Yes
Clayton Smith VE3IRR President FN25ai Yes Yes
Bertrand Zauhar VE2ZAZ Member FN25bk Yes Yes
Robert Boyd VE3BE Treasurer FN25dj Yes Yes
Clare Fowler VE3NPC Member FN25dj Yes Yes
Randy Nordlund VE3AX Secretary FN25jg Yes Yes
Peter Jago VA3PJ Member FN25ag Yes Yes
John Vandermey VA3RLC Member FN15xd Yes Yes
José Campione VA3PCJ Visitor FN25ej Yes  
Richard Ferch VE3KI Member FN25ce Yes Yes
Glenn MacDonell VE3XRA Member FN25dj Yes Yes
Remi De Cristofaro VA3DRI Member FN25bh Yes Yes
Bob Harrington VE3YYG Member FN25bh Yes Yes


The meeting was opened by the President, Clayton Smith (VE3IRR) at 19:00 hours. One visitor was in attendance.

Secretary’s Report

Randy (VE3AX) introduced the minutes of the February meeting as posted on the WCARC website. Moved by the Secretary that the minutes be adopted as posted. Seconded by Remi (VA3DRI). The motion was carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Robert (VE3BE) reported 22 paid up members and a bank balance of $386.92 plus the $3,058 term deposit.

Vice President’s Report

The Vice-President being absent, Clayton (VE3IRR) gave the report. He mentioned that the speaker in April will be Ron Schwartz (VE3VN) and the subject will be “Chasing 6m DXCC using FT8.”

Director’s Report


President’s Report

Clayton (VE3IRR) has started the preparations for the June contest. The community centre has been reserved. He inquired on who will be available to operate and help with setup and tear-down.


José (VA3PCJ) gave a presentation on QRP Adventures: Portable, Afloat and Abroad.

Old Business


Reports / Project Updates


Doug (VE3XK) reported that all of the beacons are operational. Bert (VE2ZAZ) reported that the WSPR beacon is working fine.



Broadband Hamnet

No new updates.

New Business


Announcements / Show & Tell

  • José (VA3PCJ) asked if the club had an APRS node.
  • Bert (VE2ZAZ) asked about the GIC that was expiring April 1st. He also mentioned the March 30th Laval Hamfest.
  • Glenn (VE3XRA) announced Scouts Canada’s participation in Doors Open Ottawa on June 1st & 2nd. He mentioned RAC has booked two rooms for Dayton and that one might be available. He also passed a message for Ray (VE3FN), who was looking for someone to go with him to the upcoming VHF Superconference.
  • Chris (VE3CBK) asked the group if they recognized a part he had. He is also selling a Vibroplex bug.
  • Randy (VE3AX) asked if there were any unused 2.4 GHz Harris drawers available as hams in the GTA were interested in getting on the band.
  • Robert (VE3BE) announced that VA3CGM was a silent key.


The President observed that there being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 20:45.