The meeting was held at the Sobey’s in Kanata (March Rd. location). The following people were present:

Name Call Sign Position MH Grid RAC WCARC
Doug Leach VE3XK Member FN25bf Yes Yes
Chris Bisaillion VE3CBK Member FN25ai Yes Yes
Jeremy Jones VA3ZTF Vice President FN25ac Yes Yes
Clayton Smith VE3IRR President FN25ai Yes Yes
Randy Nordlund VE3AX Secretary FN25jg Yes Yes
Bertrand Zauhar VE2ZAZ Member FN25bk Yes Yes
Luc Pernot VE3JGL Member FN25ek Yes Yes
Clare Fowler VE3NPC Member FN25dj Yes Yes
Dean Denter VA3CDD Member FN15wk Yes Yes
Peter Jago VA3PJ Member FN25ag Yes Yes
John Vandermey VA3RLC Member FN15xd Yes Yes
Ray Perrin VE3FN Member FN25dk Yes Yes
Richard Ferch VE3KI Member FN25ce Yes Yes
Glenn MacDonell VE3XRA Member FN25dj Yes Yes
Andy Hart VE3NVK Director FN25bh Yes Yes
Wayne Getchell VE3CZO Member FN25dh Yes Yes
Graham Ide VE3BYT Member FN25ch Yes Yes
Remi De Cristofaro VA3DRI Member FN25bh Yes Yes
Peter Deweerd VE3DEW Visitor FN15ve    
Peter Deweerd Jr.   Visitor      


The meeting was opened by the President, Clayton Smith (VE3IRR) at 19:00 hours.

Secretary’s Report

Randy (VE3AX) introduced the minutes of the January meeting as posted on the WCARC website. Doug asked for modifications. Moved by the Secretary that the minutes be adopted as amended. Seconded by Glenn (VE3XRA). The motion was carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Clayton (VE3IRR) reported 14 paid up members and a bank balance of $133.47 plus the $3,058 term deposit.

Vice President’s Report

Jeremy (VA3ZTF) mentioned that the March speaker will be José (VA3PCJ). The subject is not yet determined. The May meeting falls on Victoria Day so it will be moved to the week prior.

Director’s Report


President’s Report



Ray (VE3FN) gave a presentation on Amateur Microwave Communications on 10, 24 and 47 GHz.

Old Business


Reports / Project Updates


Doug (VE3XK) reported that all of the beacons are operational. Bert (VE2ZAZ) reported that the WSPR beacon is working fine.



Broadband Hamnet

Bert (VE2ZAZ) mentioned that the players are discussing what hardware should be used.

New Business


Announcements / Show & Tell

  • Randy (VE3AX) mentioned the VHF Super Conference is coming up in April and asked whether the club is looking at purchasing antennas.
  • Doug (VE3XK) showed some of the items that the club might be interested in purchasing such as an ultrasonic receiver for noise detection.
  • Randy (VE3AX) gave out 3D-printed Powerpole adapters for members that have FT-817 radios.
  • Chris (VE3CBK) has 500Ω linear potentiometers for sale.
  • Glenn (VE3XRA) mentioned that the 2m SSB net is on Tuesday nights at 21:00 on 144.250MHz.
  • Richard (VE3KI) talked about ISED and their plans on how call signs are managed.


The President observed that there being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 20:26.