The meeting was held at the Sobey’s in Kanata (March Rd. location). The following people were present:

Name Call Sign Position MH Grid RAC WCARC
Clayton Smith VE3IRR President FN25ai Yes Yes
Doug Leach VE3XK Vice President FN25bf Yes Yes
Jeremy Jones VA3ZTF Director FN25ac Yes Yes
Randy Nordlund VE3AX Secretary FN25jg Yes Yes
Robert Boyd VE3BE Treasurer FN25dj Yes Yes
Bertrand Zauhar VE2ZAZ Member FN25bk Yes Yes
Remi De Cristofaro VA3DRI Member FN25bh Yes Yes
Andy Hart VE3NVK Member FN25bh Yes Yes
Ray Perrin VE3FN Member FN25dk Yes Yes
Wayne Getchell VE3CZO Member FN25bh Yes Yes
Marius Draghia VE3ETK Member   Yes Yes
Don Young VE3KDF Visitor FN25 Yes  
Roger Egan VA3EGY Visitor FN14pj Yes  
Peter Jago VA3PJ Member FN25ag Yes Yes


The meeting was opened by the President, Clayton Smith (VE3IRR), at 19:02 hours. 2 visitors were in attendance.

Secretary’s Report

Randy (VE3AX) introduced the minutes of the May meeting posted on the WCARC website and moved that the minutes be approved as posted. The motion was seconded by Bert (VE2ZAZ). The motion was carried.

Treasurer’s Report

We have 30 paid up members and the bank balance is $1,016.

Vice President’s Report

The speaker for July is Bryan Rawlings (VE3QN) and the subject is “A Wire to the New World.” The speaker for August will be VE3HX, and September VE2ZAZ.

Director’s Report


President’s Report



Tonight’s speaker is Clayton Smith (VE3IRR) and the subject is “Recap of the 2018 June VHF Contest.”

Old Business

Doug (VE3XK) mentioned that all of the test equipment had been received, and the replacement screen for the VNA which had been damaged during transit had been shipped by air mail.

Reports / Project Updates


Doug reported that the 6m and 70cm beacon are presently down. They will be looked at once Wayne is available.



Broadband Hamnet

Bert (VE2ZAZ) mentioned that some tests were done at the Camp Fortune transmitter site. The tests were not conclusive because of foliage.

New Business

  • Doug (VE3XK) mentioned that his KPA500 amplifier had been damaged during the contest and was asking that the club be responsible for the repairs.
  • Clayton (VE3IRR) moved that once the amplifier is repaired that the club reimburse the cost up to $500. If the repairs exceed $500 it will be discussed at a later meeting. Andy (VE3NVK) seconded the motion. The motion was carried.
  • Clayton asked that the club reimburse Ray (VE3BVV) for his expenses during the contest. A $50 cheque was sent to him.

Announcements / Show & Tell

Roger (VA3EGY) presented himself to the group.


The President observed that there being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 20:59.