The meeting was held at the Sobey’s in Stittsville. The following people were present:

Name Call Sign Position MH Grid RAC WCARC
Glenn MacDonell VE3XRA Member FN25dj Yes Yes
Bertrand Zauhar VE2ZAZ Director FN25bk Yes Yes
Wayne Getchell VE3CZO Member FN25 Yes Yes
Clayton Smith VE3IRR President FN25ai Yes Yes
Doug Leach VE3XK Vice President FN25bf Yes Yes
Peter Jago VA3PJ Member FN25ag Yes Yes
Graham Ide VE3BYT Member FN25ch Yes Yes
Randy Nordlund VE3AX Secretary FN25jg Yes Yes
Andy Hart VE3NVK Treasurer FN25bh Yes Yes
Robert Boyd VE3BE Visitor FN25    
Clare Fowler VE3NPC Member FN25dj Yes Yes
Rich Ferch VE3KI Member FN25ce Yes Yes
Paul Boltwood VE3PLE Member FN25bg Yes Yes


The meeting was opened by the President, Clayton Smith (VE3IRR), at 19:30 hours. 1 visitor was in attendance.

Secretary’s Report

The Secretary, (VE3AX), introduced the minutes of the August meeting. Moved by the Secretary (VE3AX) that the minutes be approved; seconded by Glenn (VE3XRA). The Motion was carried.

Treasurer’s Report

18 paid up members and $518 in the bank.

Vice President’s Report

The speaker in October will be VE3QN and the topic will be the 5 W’s of International Radio Regulations.

Director’s Report


President’s Report

Clayton has taken over the administration of the WCC website. A big thank you was given to Rick (VE3CVG) for all of the work over the years.

Old Business

Doug (VE3XK) presented the Motion to amend WCARC bylaw 2. Seconded by Wayne (VE3CZO). The motion was carried.

Clayton (VE3IRR) proposed that meetings be held on the 3rd Monday of the month. Seconded by Randy (VE3AX). The motion was carried.

Doug (VE3XK) mentioned that the speaker calendar has been updated on the website.


Our speaker was Paul (VE3PLE) who presented on Accomplishments in Amateur Astronomy and Electronics.

Reports / Project Updates


The beacons are now back on the air. The antenna stacks were modified by removing the phasing harness and 1 set of loop antennas for each band.

A 2m bandpass filter will be installed in order to limit the output on the VE3STP frequency.



Broadband Hamnet

VA3KA is trying to connect to the mesh. Dwayne is trying to mesh with Bert.

New Business

Doug mentioned that the March Rd location will be the first time that WCARC meets inside of the West Carleton limits.

Robert (VE3BE) reported that a Diefenbunker member had issues registering on the website for the mailing list.


WCARC will have a table at the OARC hamfest.

OARC will have a portable equipment demo on the weekend of the 17th.

Wayne showed a simple Powerpole splitter.

Randy mentioned that there was a good 2m east west opening during the previous weekend.

Andy showed a $9 U.S. microcontroller board.


The President stated that there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 21:15 hours.