The meeting was held in the Kanata Meeting Room (upstairs) in Sobey's, on the SW corner of Hazeldean and Terry Fox Rd, in Kanata.

The following people were present:

NameCall SignPositionMH GridRACWCARC
Barney BakerVA3BGBMemberFN25aiYesYes
Dean DenterVA3CDDMemberFN15wlYesYes
Kieran ShepherdVA3KSMemberFN25djYesYes
Peter JagoVA3PJMemberFN25agYesYes
Bert ZauharVE2ZAZDirectorFN25bkYesYes
Dave GoodwinVE3AAQMemberFN25dhYesYes
Graham IdeVE3BYTMemberFN25chYesYes
Wayne GetchellVE3CZOMemberFN25YesYes
Clayton SmithVE3IRRVice PresidentFN25aiYesYes
Norm RashleighVE3LCVisitorFN25fkYes
Andy HartVE3NVKMemberFN25bhYesYes
Clare FowlerVE3NPCMemberFN25djYesYes
Paul BoltwoodVE3PLEMemberFN25YesYes
Doug LeachVE3XKMemberFN25bfYesYes
Glenn MacDonellVE3XRASecretaryFN25djYesYes

The meeting was opened by Acting President Clayton Smith (VE3IRR), referred to as the President in these minutes, at 19:30 hours. The President welcomed 1 guest to the meeting: Norm Rashleigh (VE3LC).

Secretary's Report:
The Secretary introduced the minutes of the November meeting.
Moved by Glenn MacDonell VE3XRA that the minutes as corrected be approved. Seconded by Doug (VE3XK).
Motion approved.

Treasurer's Report:
The Treasurer Andrew Hart (VE3NVK) reported that the club's balance will be about $475 plus whatever would be collected from membership renewals at this meeting, as a result of the payment to Radio Amateurs of Canada for liability insurance of $241.
As noted at the previous meeting, he introduced a motion to cover membership fees for WCARC members that were not members of RAC. He reminded members that the Club pays fees for insurance to RAC based on the number of members, according to whether they are members of RAC. Last year the costs were $1 per RAC member and $11 per non-RAC member. This year the cost per non-RAC member increased to $12. To account for possible future changes by RAC of the fee for non-RAC members and avoid the necessity of a motion each year to set fees, he moved that: The WCARC membership fees for members who are not members of RAC, shall be the basic WCARC membership fee (currently $25) plus the surcharge for insurance for non-RAC members set by RAC, for club members who are not members of RAC for the year. Seconded by Bert (VE2ZAZ).
Motion carried.

President/Vice President's Report:
The President reported that the usual meeting room has been booked at Sobeys for January, February and March.
The presentation for the January meeting will be by Bert (VE2ZAZ) on Voice over IP, home telephone systems and the Raspberry Pi. He will bring several different telephones and a switch using the Raspberry Pi for a demonstration to accompany his talk. There are no presentations booked for later meetings and members were invited to contact Clayton (VE3IRR) to give a presentation on whatever project they are working on.

The President then gave a detailed report on Club activities over the past year. As a result of the discussion, Clayton (VE3IRR) agreed to add some further information on the contributions by previous President, Al Penney (VO1NO) who moved to Nova Scotia in July. Moved by Bert (VE2ZAZ), seconded by Andy (VE3NVK) that the report, with the addition, be adopted.
Motion carried.

The 2013 Annual Report is posted on the club website. [see Club History]

Old Business:

General Reports and Announcements:

Doug (VE3XK) reported that repairs on the 6m antennas have been completed. The struts on both the antennas had come apart - in fact when they had brought the antennas down for repair, they discoverd the only thing holding each strut to the structure was a cable tie! The struts are now back in place with the cable tie (as the manufacturer had recommended), augmented with a stronger wire. The entire antenna system for the beacons on 6m, 2m, 1.25m and 70cm was brought down, the repairs concluded and the structure reinstalled over a couple of days, in quite cold weather. Doug noted that Phil St-Germain (VE3CIQ) had brought down the mast containing the antennas by himself and that he and Dale Hennigar (VE3XZT) had helped with the repairs and reinstallation on a Friday. He noted that the repair could not have been made without Phil and reminded members that it took 6 people for the original installation. All of the beacons are now operating.

2304 MHz Transverter
Bert (VE2ZAZ) reported that had received all of the parts ordered and would distribute them following the meeting. He observed that those participating in the project, would have fun over the Christmas break.

Ottawa Valley Upper Frequencies Single Sideband Net
Glenn (VE3XRA) reminded members of the Net organized by WCARC, that takes place most Tuesdays (except when it would conflict with WCARC meetings). The Net begins at 9pm local time on 144.250MHz. He noted that several of the regular participants were present and that there was always space for more. The Net provides an opportunity to exchange information and to test station equipment as well as antennas. Following check-ins and discussion on 2m, the Net usually holds roll calls on 6m and 70cm. If participants want to check equipment on other frequencies, it can also be done. He also reminded members that the Net is preceeded by a Montreal Net on 144.240 MHz that begins at 8pm. Ottawa amateurs are welcome to check into that Net and amateurs from Montreal often check into the Ottawa Net, when propagation conditions allow.

Grid Expedition
Members continued the discussion on options for Club participation in the ARRL June VHF QSO Party. Several possible closer locations were considered with interest focusing on the area near the intersection of grids FN25, FN24, FN15 and FN14 north of Smiths Falls (fairly close to Numogate, a site used in the past by rovers and for microwave contests). Some sites closer to or within Ottawa, Middleville (site of an earlier WCARC Field Day) and Rideau River Provincial Park were also identified. More information is needed on all the prospective sites for a final decision. Graham Ide (VE3BYT) agreed to contact a member of the Smiths Falls Amateur Radio Club to see if they have contact information for the owners of the Numogate site or know of other good locations in the area. The discussion will continue at the January meeting.

Election of Officers
President Clayton (VE3IRR) opened this part of the Meeting by reminding members that the club's five executive positions have terms of two years, with the Vice President and Treasurer elected in even years and the President, Secretary and Director elected in odd years. As this year was an odd year, elections would be held for the three positions.

The results were:
President Clayton Smith. Acclaimed
Secretary Glenn MacDonell. Acclaimed
Director Bert Zauhar. Acclaimed

There were no nominations for the position of Vice President that Clayton had vacated, so that position remains vacant.

The President stated that there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 21:10 hours and the members shared in a celebration of the holiday season.