The meeting was held in the Kanata room at Sobey's in Kanata.

The following members and guests were present:

NameCall SignPositionMH GridRACWCARC
Al PenneyVO1NO/VE3PresidentFN24cwYesYes
Doug LeachVE3XKVice PresidentFN15wgYesYes
Ken AsmusVA3KATreasurerFN15wgYesYes
Barney BakerVA3BGBSecretaryFN25aiYesYes
Ernie BrownVA3OEBGuest SpeakerYes
Rick BandlaVE3CVGFN25hmYesYes
Dean DenterVA3CDDFN15wlYesYes
Harold HamiltonVA3UNKFN25YesYes
Brad SmithVE3BSMFN24cwYesYes
David ConnVE3KLFN25bhYes
Graham IdeVE3BYTFN25chYesYes
Steve AttfieldVA3SAXFN25bhYesYes
Adam KuzychVE3ZXKFN25??

Al, VO1NO/VE3, called the meeting to order at 19:30 hrs.

Ken, VA3KA, provided the treasurers report that all was well.

Barney, VA3BGB, thanked Graham,VE3BYT for acting as secretary for the March meeting and motioned that the minutes of the 4 March meeting be accepted as published. Rick VE3CVG seconded the motion and the motion was passed.

Beacon Report

432 Beacon

Doug, VE3XK reported on the 432MHz beacon as having been received in several locations despite being located at a lower level. Al, VO1NO/VE3 suggested that Kowaski, a ten foot pole, may improve transmission.

6M Beacon

Doug, VE3XK that the 6m beacon located at W4TAA, FN15be was operating at 50.009MHz and would undergo further calibration.

2M Beacon

During the discussion of the 2m beacon it was mentioned that Keiran's beacon was no longer operating. Doug, VE3XK then described a small radio which would fit and that Sean Huntley, VE3HXP had mentioned he would assist in modifications required to modify this unit for beacon operation.

222MHz Beacon

This portion of the beacon project would be held for a later date.

Rick, VE3CVG motioned seconded by Dean VA3CDD for the purchase of the 2M and 222MHz antennas not to exceed $250. motion passed

Discussion ensued regarding the immediate purchase of the 222MHz beacon module which had been previously voted on and approved. This discussion showed that the timing of the purchase was appropriate and that the purchase should proceed for an amount not to exceed $250.

June Expedition

Al, VO1NO/VE3 mentioned that he had not received a letter from Mr. & Mrs Armstrong regarding the use of their property for that expedition therefore Al and Doug will scout a few other locations, one being near Grafton.

Rick, VE3CVG stated he would be going to Algonquin Park location to provide that grid.

Balloon Project

Graham, VE3BYT suggested that anyone interested should contact Barrie Crampton VE3BSB directly.


Rick, VE3CVG mentioned that the gateway G1 software had been returned and that receipt of that return was received. Also that he had been informed that the gateway G2 software had been forwarded to him. Rick informed the meeting that he groups in the USA are experiencing trouble activating the G2 software.


Al, VO1NO/VE3 informed the meeting of a number of contests and flea markets that will be occurring in the near future.

New Business



Doug, VE3XK reported that the constitution was on computer in draft. Graham, VE3BYT suggested that it could be put on the website for review whereupon Doug provided Graham with a hard copy and said he would provide Rick, VE3CVG the webmaster, a digital copy to insert onto the website.

Special Presentation

Doug, VE3XK introduced Ernie Brown, VA3OEB prior to his presentation of his career in communications which extended from the Merchant Marine in 1941 through to Transport Canada in 1977 when he retired. Thank you Ernie for a very revealing look at the Merchant Marine years and the lingering emotions we all felt.

Webmaster's note: A copy of the presentation is available under the Presentations tab on this web site


Rick, VE3CVG motioned seconded by Steve, VA3SAX that the meeting be adjourned, motioned passed at 21:55.

Barney Baker - VA3BGB
