Minutes - Meeting of July 3, 2007
The meeting was held in the Kanata Room at Sobey's in Kanata.
The following members and guests were present:
Name | Call Sign | Position |
Ken Asmus | VA3KA | Treasurer |
Steve Attfield | VA3SAX | |
Al Penney | VO1NO | |
Doug Leach | VE3XK | |
John Christensen | VE3IAO | |
Dale Hennigar | VE3XZT | |
Dean Denter | VA3CDD | |
Harold Hamilton | VA3UNK | |
Barney Baker | VA3BGB | |
Graham Ide | VE3BYT | Secretary |
This meeting was basically a ragchew session.
Steve, VA3SAX, brought our attention to a Microwave Software-Defined Radio (UWSDR) project on the Internet. Check out this URL: http://uwsdr.berlios.de/index.html. From the web site it's difficult to see how much progress has been made on the VHF, UHF and higher frequency front ends. This will bear watching.
The contest in mid-September was noted. There was some discussion of a possible DXpedition for that along the Bissett Creek Road.
Dean, VA3CDD, showed around some sample boards for Smart Meters using the 902 and 2400 MHz bands.
Graham, VE3BYT, noted that the new hardware/farm equipment store (TSE) in Smiths Falls has available a variety of useful welding and other utility gases.
It was noted that in late June there was a Sporadic E opening on 6 Meters to all of Europe, that later opened to the west into the Pacific. Also noted was the contest for 50 and 144 MHz bands on July 21 and 22.
Al, VO1NO, mentioned a DXpedition for the 28 and 29 of July to Elder Island (Bonne Portage) off Nova Scotia. Al also outlined the search for Amelia Earhart in the South Pacific. This and other interesting investigations are described on www.tighar.org/ - The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery.
The next meeting will be on August 7, 2007.
Graham Ide VE3BYT