The meeting was held in the Kanata Room at Sobey's in Kanata.

The following members and guests were present:

NameCall SignPosition
Tom ZinckVA3NFAPresident
Rick BandlaVE3CVGV.P. / Webmaster
Ralph RosaVE3LBZGuest
Brad SmithVE3BSM
Doug LeachVE3XK
Graham IdeVE3BYTSecretary

And others. The sign-in sheet has disappeared - Alas.

Tom, VA3NFA, led introductions around the room.

Rick, VE3CVG, mentioned several upcoming events - The Iroquois FleaMarket, the Sprint in April, and the Brampton Hamfest.

Rick has updated the web site and added to personal pages. Presentations made at meetings will be on the WCARC web site.

The 903 MHz beacon is working, and has been received on a short mobile antenna at VE3BYT in Bells Corners in the west end.

Brad, VE3BSM, reported re APRS that the VE3DVQ site needed a software reset. Seems OK now.

Graham, VE3BYT, reported that the minutes of previous meetings are on the web site.

Rick showed Kent Brittain's (WA5VJB) neat PCB antennas for the higher bands - Yagis, Big Wheels, and Log Periodics. Members can Email Tom or Rick to indicate their interest in ordering some of these antennas.

Rick and Doug, VE3XK, gave a dissertation and demonstration of Tellurometers on the 10 GHz band. Dr. T.L. Wadley in South Africa invented the Tellurometer in 1957 as a survey instrument. It was the first survey instrument using microwaves. It runs 20 to 50 milliwatts with a bandwidth of 100kHz, with an ERP of about 12 watts with the integral parabolic dish antenna. A range of about 100 KM is possible, full duplex.

Members can contact Ray, VE3FN, or Ralph, VE3BBM, if they are interested in possibly acquiring an instrument or two.

The next meeting will be on April 3, 2007.

Graham Ide VE3BYT