Minutes - Meeting of December 5, 2006
The meeting was held in the Kanata Room at Sobey’s in Kanata.
The following members and guests were present:
Name | Call Sign | Position |
Tom Zinck | VA3NFA | President |
Rick Bandla | VE3CVG | V.P. / Webmaster |
Ken Asmus | VA3KA | Treasurer |
Tim Evangelatos | VE3MY | |
Brad Smith | VE3BSM | |
Doug Leach | VE3XK | |
Dale Hennigar | VE3XZT | |
Phil St-Germain | VE3CIQ | |
Al Penney | VO1NO | |
John Christensen | VE3IAO | |
Les McCready | VA3BZQ | |
Harold Hamilton | VA3UNK | |
Steve Attfield | VA3SAX | |
Brian Jeffrey | VE3UU | |
Ed Blaser | VE3LZV | |
Barney Baker | VA3BGB | |
Tom Bartello | VE3ELM | |
Rick Furniss | VE3IHI | Guest |
Dean Denter | VA3CDD | |
Graham Ide | VE3BYT | Secretary |
This looked like a record turnout in the recent history of the club.
As each of us arrived on scene, we picked a number to set our turn for choosing a prize from among all the goodies on the table.
President Tom, VA3NFA, indicated the agenda for the evening: the year in review, notes on the constitution, election of officers, new business, and prizes and refreshments.
Ken, VA3KA, reported that the finances are in solid shape, with membership dues coming in for the new year. All bills are paid. Also, the club has its largest membership for some years. Ken will present a complete picture in January.
Rick, VE3CVG, reported that the WCARC web site now includes a list of members with their Maidenhead Grid locations.
Graham, VE3BYT, noted that the minutes for the November meeting are up on the web site.
Tom, in looking over the past year, reminded everyone that:
- Membership is at a high level.
- We have a good web site, thanks to Rick, VE3CVG.
- We have a good turnout for VHF contests.
- Field Day 2006 was a great success, largely thanks to Al, VO1NO.
- APRS and packet installations are working well, thanks to Brad, VE3BSM.
- The club has a series of VHF/UHF beacons on the air or in preparation.
- The club has 144 and 440 MHz repeaters, donated by Manfred, VA3WK.
- We have had some interesting technical and other presentations, and will continue this effort into 2007.
Dale, VE3XZT, reported that the Hamtronics controller on the 2 Metre repeater went out and needs a new PROM programmed.
Tom stated that the WCARC was incorporated in Ontario in 1980 as a not-for-profit corporation. We need, but do not have, a copy of the constitution. It will be reviewed for continuing appropriateness when we can obtain a copy. Probably at that time we can count on a review committee headed by Brian, VE3UU.
Election of Officers: The current officers were voted back into office for another term, there being no other candidates demanding to be nominated.
- President: Tom, VA3NFA. Nominated by VO1NO, seconded by VE3BSM.
- Vice President, Rick, VE3CVG. Nominated by VE3XK, seconded by VE3IAO.
- Treasurer, Ken, VA3KA. Nominated by VE3CVG, seconded by VA3NFA.
- Secretary, Graham, VE3BYT. Nominated by VO1NO, seconded by VA3NFA.
It was generally agreed that to keep club activities functioning smoothly, certain Committee Chairpersons and Coordinators need to be appointed. The first of these are:
- Dale, VE3XZT, Chairman, Repeaters and Beacons.
- Al, VO1NO, Chairman, Presentations and Programs.
- Brad, VE3BSM, Chairman, APRS and Packet Facilities.
Appointment of the above-noted Chairmen/Coordinators was approved on a motion by Tom, VA3NFA, seconded by Steve, VA3SAX.
Other committees will be designated as and when required, including a committee to review and make recommendations on the constitution and by-laws.
President Tom, VA3NFA, is keen to implement club beacons on the 222 and 432 MHz bands. To this end, the club approved an expenditure of up to $250 to purchase equipment for the 432 band beacon. One possibility is a transverter available from Rick, VE3CVG, driven by an HTX-100 or some such 10 Metre transceiver or transmitter. Tom will consider this equipment and other alternatives and decide on what he wants to do.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned to the choosing of prizes by members in turn, much merriment and refreshments. Refreshments were dealt with while ragchewing - a very neat trick that everyone managed quite well. A very pleasant time was had by all.
Thanks to Rick and other contributors for gathering the prizes and to Tom for bringing the refreshments.
The next meeting will be on January 2, 2007.
Graham Ide VE3BYT